Please note that all hotel options are within walking distance from each other
Arrival: Thursday June 27th 2019
Departure: Sunday June 30th 2019
# of Double Rooms: 20 (5 on 6/27)
Daily Rate: $119.00 plus taxes
Hotel Option #1
Fairfield Inn and Suites
290 Wild Avenues
Staten Island New York, 10314
Headquaters hotel is almost sold out. There are currently only 10 rooms left.
You must call to hotel to make reservation.
Hotel Option #2
Holiday Inn Express
Method of Payment: Individual
Guests are responsible for all charges
Cut-Off date to reserve: Friday June 7th 2019
Please refer to the booking link below. Advise your guests they must FIRST select dates between the block: June 27th 2019 throughout June 30th 2019 to access the BWI's group rate. OR guests may call over the phone and provide the 3 letter block code: "BWI" to identify th themselves as part of the group.